How To Develop The Most Powerful Force Driving Every Successful Brand

If you've ever spent time around children or watched any family sitcom, I'm sure you're familiar with the non-stop “...why? But why?” line of questioning.

Kelsey of Content by Kelsey, Inc, looking at a laptop screen and smiling

Even though you may think back on this behaviour as irritating or pointless, the repetition of this specific question highlights a crucial belief… 

Even kids intuitively know that the motive behind something is the most important piece of any story

And guess what? Your brand is no different.


Why Your ‘Why’ Should Be Your Driving Force


Your reason for being informs everything you do — from your business to your personal life. 

For example, I knew from day 1 that I wanted a full life, allowing me to travel and spend more time with friends and family than a two-weeks-vacation-type-of-job would provide. That ‘why’ became the driving force behind becoming a freelancer (which has since evolved into owning and operating a fully-fledged, incorporated marketing business).

Now, years later, I meet people who say they admire what I’m doing and building, but they know they don’t have the discipline to do the same. 

And to be honest, when I started, I didn’t think I did either… At the beginning, there were plenty of days I did "busy work" because my client load was light, or I struggled to prioritize my time because I didn't have a clear vision of the future.

But my desire for a better life kept. me. going.


Knowing Your ‘Why’ Is A Game Changer


Even from a young age, I knew the power of stories — and I loved them. So it only made sense that I went into a line of work where I get to help ambitious leaders tell theirs too.

Your story is the one thing no one can ever copy or match. It is yours and yours alone — which is why it's SO powerful. The drive behind why you created your business and why you persist today (because entrepreneurship is no joke) is a BIG part of your brand.

So getting crystal clear on your ‘why’ not only leads to unique branding and targeted copy, but it also provides greater clarity on your future goals, whether personal or professional. Pretty neat, huh?


How To Discover Your ‘Why’


Not sure what your 'why' is just yet? I’ve helped sooooo many clients dig into their businesses that I now offer a 90-minute branding session specifically focused on getting to the heart of your purpose. (Want the full process? Let's connect!).

I know this topic can be overwhelming and down-right scary, as you start to think about the next 5, 10, 20 years of your life. So I’ve carefully selected three thought-provoking questions for you to think about because sometimes getting started is the hardest part.

Open a Google doc, or grab a pen and paper, and let's delve into your self-discovery to find out what your ‘why’ actually is:


1. How did you get started doing what you’re doing?

The ideation of a business and starting a business are two very different things — so answer this question honestly. Feel free to start at the beginning, from the first problem you wanted to solve up until the moment you created your first product, got your first client or incorporated your business.


2. What is 1 defining moment in your life that changed everything?

If you had to pinpoint the exact moment (or several) that led you to where you are today, what would it be? Were you headed down a different path, but something interjected and changed the course of your life forever?

Think about it like the straw that broke the camel’s back, or the "aha!" moment that sealed the deal and kicked everything off.


3. What do your clients, friends or family say about you?

If you already know, great — start to list them. But if you’re not sure, ask them! This is a really fun exercise and a great way to deepen relationships with your closest people. 

Ask 5 people to share things about you, like how you make them feel, what they think your greatest strengths are, and what they notice about you most often. Their views of you will reveal more about who you are and ‘why’ you do what you do.


How did answering those three questions go? Did you find them easy or hard to answer? Make sure you really take the time to think these through and answer them truthfully in a quiet place as you envision your business now and into the future.

If you’re ready to delve deeper and finally find your ‘why’, schedule a free 30-minute call with me where we’ll discuss your goals and see whether a 60-minute strategy call or 90-minute branding session is the right fit for you.


Kelsey Woods

Hi there! I am a freelance copywriter and content creator based out of Calgary, Alberta. I graduated from the University of Calgary in 2017 with a BA in Communications and a minor in Business. Now, I equip entrepreneurs and small business owners with creative content marketing strategies so that they can thrive both on- and offline.

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