6 Business-Building Pillars I Used To Scale A Multiple 6-Figure Business

If you've been following me on social media, you know that building a successful business is NOT for the faint of heart. It takes passion, dedication, strategy, intentionality, compelling copy, hard work behind the scenes… I could go on and on and on.

My journey from aimless solopreneur to a multiple-six-figure copy and marketing agency owner was not without its struggles and setbacks. But my story proves one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt — if I can build a successful business from the ground up, so can you.

People often ask me: “How did you do it?



My answer goes something like this — building a six-figure business is somewhat like building a house. Every house needs a solid foundation underneath it, and strong pillars to support it, to withstand any storm based on its environment (and so does your business). Too many heart-led entrepreneurs are so focused on delivering value that they skip this step, and soon find their dreams crumbling around their very ears as the inevitable storm rages. 

So whether you’re a new entrepreneur, or you’re trying to scale an already-successful business, these are the pillars I used to build an unshakable company that withstands the test of time.


1. An Irresistible Offer

At its core, every business needs to know how it helps people solve a problem. What do you do? How do you help? Who do you help? 

If your offer doesn't feel irresistible to your ideal client, you’re going to find it difficult to scale. Your offer should clearly solve a problem for your ideal client — whether it’s a course, product or service. How does it help them? Why do they need it? If you can’t answer those questions clearly and succinctly, it’s time to re-evaluate your offer until you can make it so irresistible that it almost… sells itself. (Want help? Book a 1:1 strategy call.)

Getting your offer right is key, not only for the success of your business and the happiness of your customers, but also for the success of your copy and marketing.


2. Compelling Copy

Now you might think I'm biased, but copy is SO crucial for the success of ANY business that it gets its own pillar. 

Having clear, compelling, audience-driven copy for your business (and a clear brand voice behind it) not only helps convey your brand, offer, message and values, but it’s what ties all the key pieces of your business together. This creates a cohesive and recognizable brand that will make your clients irrationally loyal, and help your business stand the test of time.

Your copy allows you to tell a story and paint the picture of how your solution will benefit your ideal customers. This helps them relate to you, understand what you're all about, and see themselves on the other side of working with you, the results they could have.

Compelling copy is what will convert your customers from window shoppers to lifelong customers and raving fans (who can’t help but share your time-saving, money-saving, energy-saving — you name it — solution with the world too!).


3. A Powerful Marketing Strategy

Now the compelling copy we write is all based on the next business-building pillar… strategic marketing. Having a dialled-in, strategic marketing plan is key to helping your target audience actually find YOU — not the other way around. Let’s face it, you don’t have the time, energy or resources to constantly search for your ideal clients. On top of that, you want to ensure you’re finding the RIGHT people to work with, not just anyone on the internet. 

By creating and following a strategic marketing plan, you can determine 1) where you should spend your time, 2) what you should put your efforts into, and 3) what your attraction strategy will be. Find out where your ideal clients are hanging out, and spend your time creating and sharing content that will catch their eye. (Not sure how to do this? Get in touch, as this is something we LOVE to help our clients with.)

No matter where you attract your ideal customers and market your brand services, there’s something every business MUST have… an engagement campaign. Promise me you won’t skip this step. Whether you do this via social media, regular blog posts, consistent email marketing or a free community group, these touchpoints are crucial in understanding your clients to build that know, like and trust factor, getting them closer to the sale (and the solution). 


4. Time-Saving Business Tools

An irresistible offer, compelling copy, and a strategic marketing plan are nothing if you don’t have the tools to carry them out. Having the right tools in your business will not only make your life SO much easier and save you HUGE amounts of time, but also allow you to create the business (and life) you've been dreaming of. Tech tools allow you to stay in your zone of genius, and scale your business to whatever figure-mark you desire. Who doesn’t want that, right?! 

The right tools and tech stack will make your business flow better and be more efficient, which leads to greater success (and less stress) in the long run. A few of my favourite tools for business are:

  • Google Drive — for all things file creation, live editing and sharing 

  • Asana — for project and task management 

  • Canva — for designing #allthethings

  • Quickbooks — for neat and tidy bookkeeping and accounting

  • Stripe — for easy online payments

  • Later — for auto-scheduling posts to social media

  • Otter.ai — for automatically transcribing client calls

  • Loom — for recording short screensharing videos


5. A Supportive Team

If you're looking to grow your business, you simply cannot do it all alone. Want to know the secret to successfully scaling a business? Outsourcing.

Doing all-the-things by yourself is not only exhausting, but it’s the quickest route to burnout, resentment, and very likely failure. Instead of constantly being in hustle mode and DIYing every step of the way, figure out what you're best at, what you truly enjoy doing, so you can work in your zone of genius and achieve monumental success. 

In addition to irresistible offers, strategies and tools, you NEED the right people in place.

These people might include strategists, marketers, copywriters, designers, virtual assistants… the list is long. But the important thing is getting the right team for you and your business. Yes, hiring people can be daunting, which is why working with a(n almost) full-service agency can be beneficial. You don't take on the responsibility of full-time employees, but you still have the experts you need on speed dial. 

This is one of the reasons I scaled Content by Kelsey to a boutique agency, because I wanted to help my clients get everything they need all in one place. Sounds good? Let’s hop on a call, and talk about what that might look like for you. Request a discovery call here.


6. Ironclad Contracts

Last, but certainly not least, business owners of ALL sizes know that having contracts in place is of utmost importance. Having solid legal contracts ensures that you, your team and your clients are protected, and operating in the most legal way possible. Not only that, but strong contracts set the tone for the professionalism you display in your business, while establishing boundaries and straightforward guidelines for your working relationships, leading to happy customers who trust and respect you, and keep coming back for more. Wouldn't you rather start on the same page, instead of hashing it out later?

If you're a coach, marketer, photographer, copywriter, creative or entrepreneur, level up your business with these affordable, legal contracts so everyone is protected. I purchased these years ago, and I can't tell you how many times I've thanked my-past-self for investing from the get-go.

If you’re ready to get these six business-building pillars in place, but need help with your marketing strategy, copywriting or content writing, click here to book your free 30-minute call so we can chat about how to create more success in your business.

Creating irrationally loyal fans, strategizing seamless launches, and writing copy that converts like crazy is our (long winded) middle name. Want our help building your business? Book a free discovery call with us now.


Kelsey Woods

Hi there! I am a freelance copywriter and content creator based out of Calgary, Alberta. I graduated from the University of Calgary in 2017 with a BA in Communications and a minor in Business. Now, I equip entrepreneurs and small business owners with creative content marketing strategies so that they can thrive both on- and offline.


4 Essential Elements To Brand-Building Copy That Converts Like Crazy


Build A Community Of Irrationally Loyal Customers Using This Attraction Marketing Strategy