Build A Community Of Irrationally Loyal Customers Using This Attraction Marketing Strategy

You’ve probably heard the phrase “your vibe attracts your tribe,” right? It’s the idea that your energy (your vibe) will attract people with similar values, beliefs and cultures (your tribe). As a result, it’s used a lot in marketing. 

It’s an idyllic concept. Simply show up, and your ideal clients will find you (I wish!). 

While that can be true, it’s rarely the case if used alone. There's a lot more that goes into this strategy. In a sea of new and established businesses, how is your ideal client finding you, exactly?

I have witnessed countless heart-led entrepreneurs becoming dismayed when their ideal clients aren’t knocking on the door. Too many abandon their businesses entirely, and all that lasting impact they could have had? Disappears into thin air. 

Because, the truth is that “opening the door” isn’t a lead generation strategy, simply “showing up” isn’t a content marketing strategy, and just “having a business” doesn’t inform the messaging you use with potential clients. 

If you want to attract raving fans and create an irrationally loyal audience (and really, who doesn’t?), the answer lies not in opening the doors, waiting and hoping — but in attraction marketing. 

(This is the type of marketing we use here at Content by Kelsey, and we swear by it).


A Quick 101 On Attraction Marketing: Push vs. Pull


Marketing often gets a bad rap (especially from those who are new to the industry or have had bad experiences in the past). Some business owners view marketing as pushing your services, or forcing your brand, upon others.

But any true marketer worth their salt can tell you that good marketing is about magnetizing (or pulling) people to your brand, making them an irresistible offer (or multiple), and turning them into irrationally loyal fans. That, in a nutshell, is what attraction marketing is all about. Pretty neat, huh? Sure beats scammy sales.

Attraction marketing works because it’s underpinned by psychology. See, our brains are always searching for familiar, comfortable, safe things: like being included, and therefore communities of like-minded people. As creatures of habit, we like to buy from people that we know, like and trust. So, by creating those factors in your marketing — like shared values, problem-solving-solutions, trustworthiness — you’re on the right track.

But how do you get started with attraction marketing? 


1. Start Simple: Define Your Values


If you were hiking up a mountain without cell service (which is basically every mountain in Canada), you'd need a compass or a map to guide your path — otherwise, how would you know you’re going in the right direction? Sure, you could wander aimlessly and hope the path doesn't split or disappear, but getting lost in the wilderness isn't usually a smart gameplan, and it sure doesn't get you to your desired destination.

When it comes to navigating your business, it's no different.

If you want to avoid getting lost or distracted, then defining your values is the best place to start. These values are key when it comes to strategizing and implementing your marketing strategy: from lead generation to content creation. (And if you want to get to your destination quickest, hiring a professional guide to show you the way is a no-brainer. Book your free 30-min call)


Next, Ask Yourself: What Do We Stand Against?

Many of my clients struggle to come up with what they stand for, so a good way to start defining your values is to think about what your brand stands against. It could be one-use plastics that harm the environment, bullies who walk all over you, or a society that judges women based on how they look. This is a great way to discover what matters to you and your brand. 

For example, at Content by Kelsey, we stand against manipulative marketing “tactics” used to elicit a quick sale. Instead, we value relationship marketing based on building communities of like-minded people. 


Then Ask Yourself: What Do We Stand For?

If you’re a one-person service provider, like a coach, teacher, mentor, etc., then look inward at what you personally believe in, value and hold true above all else. Many of these values (or an element of them) can be directly carried over into your business.

One of my values is, and always has been, freedom. That manifests in a desire to travel, always searching for the best view, and running my own business. It took a little while to correlate how this personal value could be incorporated into my business values, but it wasn't long before I realized I was working with other freedom-seeking entrepreneurs, and eventually, travel-based businesses. 

Now if you’re a multi-person business or organization, think about what your brand stands for in the market. 

For example, Content by Kelsey Inc. as a brand values human connection above all else. We are real people serving real people, meaning we celebrate each other when we win, and we understand when life happens and gets in the way — we cherish the connections we make. That applies internally with our team, externally with our clients, and even extends to our social media communities. 

One way we serve clients of all sizes is teasing out their values through a signature 90-minute branding call. If you want to get to the heart of why you do what you do, and define your values today, book a free discovery call.


2. Figure Out How To Communicate Your Values


Once your values are defined and you've established a brand voice, you can begin to strategize how communicating those values in your marketing will attract your ideal clients. Because the right people will gravitate towards you when they see your newly strategized content, blog posts, messaging, email signature — you name it — that gets them nodding their head and saying, “yes, me too!”

For example, I regularly share travel related content on my social media — it’s one of my social media pillars too. When I share this content, who do you think it attracts? Yep, fellow freedom seekers! Many of my clients are freedom chasers, and it’s the travel posts that initially draw them in to start conversations with me.


3. Nurture Your People Through Community


So your on-brand values have attracted (pulled, not pushed) ideal people towards your brand. Great! Now what?

If you want to turn these like-minded people into raving fans, it’s all about continuously delivering value and keeping their attention. This is where community-building comes in (and trust me, it’s important). 

A community can be as simple as an email list, social media channels or a private Facebook group. It can also be as complex or robust as membership sites, subscription-based models or in-person meet-ups.

But you want to keep these interested people in the loop, engaged and *excited* to hear from you. That way, when you're ready to launch your next service, product, course or offering, they're not only ready to buy, but they know, like and trust you — and they're EXCITED. 

See how I keep saying "excited?" Irrationally loyal fans LOVE you, your brand and your offerings. They tell their friends about you, they engage in your content, and they keep an eye out for your emails/posts/anything new. These are the clients you want, and this is what you create with a values-based, community-building marketing strategy.

Ready to build your community of irrationally loyal fans?

Contact us to book a free 30-minute discovery call. We can discuss where you’re at in your business, what your next step is, and how we can support you.


Creating irrationally loyal fans, strategizing seamless launches, and writing copy that converts like crazy is our (long winded) middle name. Want our help building your business? Book a free discovery call with us now.


Kelsey Woods

Hi there! I am a freelance copywriter and content creator based out of Calgary, Alberta. I graduated from the University of Calgary in 2017 with a BA in Communications and a minor in Business. Now, I equip entrepreneurs and small business owners with creative content marketing strategies so that they can thrive both on- and offline.

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